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Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my website! I hope you’ll feel right at home here and know that you are loved and are so very special!
I thought you might like to know a little bit about me…so here goes!
I am currently studying Communication Sciences and Disorders, and I hope to be a Speech-Language Pathologist in the future. I love Jesus, working with kids, musical theatre…and I love, love LOVE to laugh! Once I get the giggles, it’s hard for me to stop…hee hee! My favorite color is red, my favorite book of the Bible is Romans, and I love me some good ole’ chicken curry.
You’ll definitely get to know me more as you explore my website! Since I’m only starting now, I’m hoping to update it a lot over the next few months. I also plan on starting a YouTube channel that features little choruses to help memorize scripture and Bible stories told in a musical format. So be on the lookout for all that jazz! To subscribe to my YouTube channel click here.
Also, check out my books - 'A Workmanship of Love' and 'The School of Life.'
My goal for this website is that in everything, it will bring glory to Jesus. I hope that through it, you will be uplifted, strengthened, and encouraged. We live in a tough world…but there is everlasting hope in Jesus! My prayer is that together, we will turn our eyes to Jesus. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world!
If you do not yet know Jesus as your Savior, my prayer for you, dearest friend, is that you will come to know Him without delay. He is love, He is the source of never-ending joy, He is hope eternal, and He is LIFE. He is the reason to live. Choosing Salvation in JESUS is the most important decision you can make in your life. Don't wait until it's too late. Click here to learn more.
I will be praying for you! And I would LOVE to hear from you. Feel free to drop me a line.
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