I reflect the thoughts of the mind,
Illuminating one's heart's desire,
I reflect things good and kind,
or things that burn like fire.
I can be used to help and encourage,
Or to tear down and bring disaster,
I leave wounds that none can bandage,
Or leave hope that will tarry ever after.
I am as swift as an arrow,
Scarring the friends in your life,
For those of you who don't yet know,
My blade is sharper than any knife.
I am a weapon, a tool of use,
To those who wish to be deserted,
Loved ones and family, you'll surely lose,
If to my evil scheme you are committed.
When you're angry and your temper does rise,
I snatch opportunities to sting,
Many times, I resound wicked lies,
And sadness and hurt I do bring.
But if you wish, I can transform,
Your life into a channel of love,
All you must do is take on the form,
Of your Heavenly Father above.
If you let Him control what you speak,
And offer your mouth as a sacrifice,
If you surrender your flesh so weak,
Although it does come with a price,
If to follow Christ, you choose,
In all that you think and say,
If you give up my evil use,
And fulfill God's purpose for you today,
You'll be surprised at the lives you bless,
For you'll truly be a light reflector,
What you were, a hopeless mess,
Will now show the love of your Savior.
So what will you, today decide?
Will you the flesh or spirit satisfy?
Will you in Christ's commands abide?
And cause my deathly harm to die?
I am called 'Words,' and I have lots of fun,
Hurting the loved ones you know,
But if me you surrender to God and His Son,
Blessings on you and others, Christ will bestow.
By Rachel Ambat